Well, I am far away to finish the hole team of crocheted little bunnies. I have 4 until now and I have to make at least 10 more.

The little bunnies team will go to my daughter’s kinder garden colleagues as a present for her birthday. Is like a tradition here in Netherlands, every time a kid celebrate his/her birthday, to bring something for the other kids. I loved the idea and first thing that I had in mind was to make some crocheted toys.

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crocheted little bunnies

And because Easter is coming too, I thought little bunnies will be great.

These bunnies are worked from pieces: head, body, legs, arms, ears and tail then all the pieces are assembled by sewing all the parts together.

I made the little bunnies with cotton thread and a 2.5 mm crochet hook ( yarn weight fingering (1) and C-2 crochet hook) and they are about 20 cm high.

If you choose to work with a different weight of yarn and another hook side they will be taller but sure cute as well.

You will also need some fiber to stuff the parts, scissors, tapestry needle and stitch markers.

Abbreviations used in this pattern:

  • Ch – chain
  • Sc – single crochet
  • St(s) – Stitch(es)
  • Inc – Increase ( 2 sc in same st)
  • Dec – Decrease (2 sc together)

We will work all pieces in continuous rounds (without joining at the end of the row).


Row 1: Magic ring and 6 sc in it

Row 2 : [Inc] repeat 6 times (1 inc in each st)  (12 sts)

With every row mark your first stitch. It will be easy to know where to start your row and where it ends.

Stuff with fiber as you go.

 Row 3: [1 sc, 1 Inc in the next st] repeat 6 times (18 sts)

Row 4: [2 sc, 1 Inc] repeat 6  times (24)

Row 5: [3 sc, 1 Inc] repeat 6 times (30)

Row 6: [4 sc, 1 Inc] repeat 6 times (36)

Row 7: [5 sc, 1 inc] repeat 6 times (42)

Rows 8 – 12 (5 rows): 1 sc in each st (42)

Row 13: [ 1 dec, 5 sc] repeat 6 times (36)

Row 14: [1 dec, 4 Sc] repeat 6 times (30)

Row 15:[1 dec, 3 sc] repeat 6 times (24)

Row 16: [1 dec, 2 sc] repeat 6 times (18)

Row 17: [1 dec, 1 sc] repeat 6 times (12)

Row 18: [1 dec] repeat 6 times (6).

Fasten off and wave in the end.

crocheted bunny head


Row 1: Magic ring and 6 sc

Row 2 : [Inc] repeat 6 times (12)

Row 3: [1 sc, 1 Inc in the next st]  repeat 6 times (18)

Row 4: [2 sc, 1 Inc] repeat 6  times (24)

Row 5: [3 sc, 1 Inc] repeat 6 times (30)

Rows 6 – 7 : 1 sc in each st (30)

Row 8: [1 dec, 8 sc] repeat 3 times (27)

Row 9: 1 sc in each st (27)

Row 10: [1 dec, 7 sc] repeat 3 times (24)

Row 11: [1 dec, 6 sc] repeat 3 times (21)

Row 12 :[1 dec, 5 sc] repeat 3 times (18)

Row 13 : 1 sc in each st (18)

Stuff with fiber and leave a long tail for sewing at the end.

crocheted bunny body


Ch 5. We will work in continuous rounds making an oval.

Row 1: Start with the second st and make 3 sc, 1 inc in next st. Turn to the other side of the chain an sc in next 2 sts, 1 inc in the last st.(10)

Row 2: [1 sc, 1 inc] repeat 5 times (15)

Row 3: [4 sc, 1 inc] repeat 3 times (18)

Rows 4 – 5: 1 sc in each st (18)

Row 6: 3 sc, [1 dec] ×6, 3 sc (12)

Stuff with fiber

Row 7: 3 sc, [1 dec]×3, 3 sc (9)

Rows 8 – 9: 1 sc in each st (9)

To close the top of the leg, make one row in sc trough the sts from the both side.

Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing.

Repeat the pattern for the second leg.

crocheted bunny legs


Row 1: Magic ring and 6 sc

Row 2: [inc] repeat 6 times (12)

Row 3: 1 sc in each st (12)

Row 4: [2 sc, 1 dec] × 3 (9)

Row 5:  1 sc in each st (9)

Row 6: 1 dec, 7 sc (8)

Row 7: 1 sc in each stitch (8)

Stuff the bottom of the arm

Row 8: 1 dec, 6 sc (7)

Row 9: 1 sc in each st (7)

Row 10: 1 dec, 5 sc (6)

Row 11: 1 sc in each st

crocheted bunny arms

Close the arm opening as you made for the legs. Leave a long tail for sewing. Repeat the same pattern for the other arm.


Row 1: Magic ring and 6 sc

Row 2: [inc] repeat 6 times (12)

Row 3: 1 sc in each st (12)

Row 4:  [1 sc, 1 Inc] × 6 (18)

Rows 5 – 7: 1 sc in each st (18)

Row 8: [1 dec, 4 sc] × 3 (15)

Rows 9 – 10 : 1 sc in each st (15)

Row 11: [1 dec, 3 sc] × 3 (12)

Row 12: 1 sc in each st (12)

Row 13: [1 dec, 1sc] ×4 (8)

Fasten off and leave a long tail. You don’t have to stuff the ears.

Repeat the same pattern for the second ear.

crocheted bunny ears


Row 1: magic ring and 6 sc

Row 2: [inc] repeat 6 times (12)

Row 3: 1 sc in each st (12)

Row 4: [1 dec, 2 sc] ×3 (9)

Fasten off and leave a long tail. Stuff just a little.

crocheted bunny tail

Now all the pieces are done and is time for assembling.

Sew each piece, using the long tail. At the end make the face details. If you want you can use beads for the eyes. I embroidered the eyes and nose and made also a little mouth and eyebrows. Make it as you wish. As you see in picture none of my 4 little bunnies are the same but they are all cute.

I also add a bow that I made from 3 st in sc. Then I just wrap the middle with yarn to make the little piece looking like a bow. I sew it on the neck of the little bunnies. Again feel free to add anything you like ( a bow near the ear for example )

little bunnies

I hope you liked this pattern too. Is something else as almost all my patterns are garments.

You will find the video tutorial bellow. Is very detailed but also long but I hope you will watch it.

Follow my Free Crochet Patterns Pinterest Board for more free crochet patterns and video tutorials every week.


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little bunnies. Free crochet pattern and video tutorial


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